The Oregon coast never disappoints when it comes to getting awesome shots of the ocean and wild surf.
The Oregon coast never disappoints when it comes to getting awesome shots of the ocean and wild surf.
Churning surf pounding the coast. Beach walks along 363 miles of coastline. Whale watching. Photographing waterfalls. Hiking the high desert. Fly fishing renowned trout and steelhead rivers. Mountain biking on trails just down the road from the Bend area’s more than 30 breweries.
It’s time to plan new adventures for the year, and Oregon announced that its free 2023 Travel Visitor Guide is available with lots of inspiration.
Check out and scroll down to free travel guides.
OK, what are some of my favorite adventures in Oregon?
First and foremost is beach hiking and camping at state parks along the coast like Nehalem Bay, Cape Lookout and South Beach.
High desert hiking at places like Leslie Gulch, Succor Creek State Park and miles and miles of terrain around Jordan Valley.
Floating the Grande Ronde River or the John Day River below Clarno. Beautiful remote rivers.
Photographing waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge. Incredible.
Touring brew pubs from Hood River to Portland and hiking and camping along the way.
Exploring the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, especially during spring migrations.
Mountain biking and visiting breweries around Bend.
Hiking through Smith Rocks State Park near Redmond.
Driving the Wallowa Mountain Road outside Joseph.
Riding the Wallowa Lake Tramway and hiking the high Wallowas and Eagle Cap Wilderness.
Whew! I can go on and on. Got to start mapping out plans. A lifetime of exploring.
Pete has been writing about the outdoors in Idaho and the Northwest for decades. Give him a shout at
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